Monday, 3 February 2014

About me and stuff

I've been doing the blogging thing for a little while now, I'm enjoying it :D Even if no one ever reads it I think it's all worth having something to have a good old moan and groan on like Facebook and stuff.. 
I like Facebook but I think REAL life friends are better, the ones you can hug and you know they're happy when they give you a real smiley face and not a wee pixelated one. I like having real friends, I do have them but hardly ever see them but really don't give them enough recognition for what they've done for me. I'm the kind of person who will be there for a friend no matter what time of day weather it's the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. If they need me for anything I'm a phone call away and I'll help in any way I can..
It's not in my nature to be a bitch although like every one else I have my moments, I'm not horrible to people for no reason even if I don't like them.. And if I don't like them and also don't talk to them it's for a good reason! I'm that kind of friend who won't bullshit anyone but tell them the truth in the nicest possible way, if I think they're being an arse I'll tell em lol.. Sometimes people need that friend who will verbally bitch slap them into reality without being a major dick about it. I have that friend and in some cases I am that friend :) 
I really am thankful for the good friends I have, they've been there for me through thick and thin and I've done the same for them :) 
I guess I'm the kind of person who will help someone who asks for it but be the one to notice when something's not right. Like when a friend isn't happy I'll be the one to ask and let them talk and do my best to fix the problem or even just make them a cup of tea if it will make them feel better. I would send a message to someone I don't know very well who I know isn't feeling well or something and give them a message letting them know I hope they're okay hoping I might brighten their day even just a little bit :)
And a hug or two never goes amiss these days!
I love hugs :) Even the half arsed one armed hugs are still awesome!! The best thing about hugs is they're free, no calories or fat or bad for you stuff, just beautiful squishy love :) Love is the best!!! Even though people don't always show it we all know it's there :)
My sister and I fight like cat and dog but we still love eachother (I think).. But the best love I've experienced in my lifetime is the love from my daughter. I don't even think words could describe how this feels.. From the second I knew I was pregnant I wanted to meet her, loved her from the second that second pink line appeared! 
Then as I got bigger I wanted to know more I wanted her to be in my arms so I could look at her little being and tell her to her sweet little face that I loved her more than the universe its self!!!! What I liked about pregnancy was that I grew with her in a physical and spiritual sense too ( I think ).. I remember being in the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life and then the nurses plonked this little purple creature on me.. I couldn't believe I was seeing my baby girl for the first time and her eyes met mine and that was it, I fell in love, real love for the first time in my life I felt pure love and the rest of the world disappeared and it was just me and Eva in our own little bubble with the rest of the world buzzing around outside it... I CRIED SO MUCH WHEN SHE WAS BORN!!!!
Happy tears :)
When she was born it was the first time I didn't care about what other people thought, me and my daughter were a team!! We still are :) team squishy :)

Awwwwwhhhh I love everything :)
I love her, I love my friends, I love my family aaaaand I love you :) <3

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