Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Touchy subject

Life after miscarriage.

In a relationship with a guy for about 6 months, I had not long turned 17 and tragically had a miscarriage. I tried not to think about it to start with and then my brain took over and started the grieving process without me. I wasn't aware of what was happening to my body, as soon as I started bleeding I knew something wasn't right. I woke up in the middle of the night in the most horrific pain I had ever felt, I could hardly walk.. In the morning I found the "little being".. I knew straight away what it was and didn't know what the hell to do. For some reason I apologized. I was shaking holding this little empty shell in the palm of my hand. Not properly formed, tiny. I felt like a monster for throwing the tiny thing in the bin. Then I forgot about it. Didn't want to think about it. But your brain has ways of making you think about things..
I couldn't put my finger on how to feel, what to feel, or if at that moment I even had anything to feel bad for. I was in shock. 
I spoke to my partner a week later, I asked him if he thought that the chaos of that night could have been a miscarriage, he said we shouldn't think about it.
How could I not?
The image of the little half formed being in my hand haunted me for months. I had no one to talk to who understood. No one who wanted to talk about it. I tried as hard as I could to be normal, to sweep the whole matter under the rug. Didn't happen. All that was running through my brain was the word WHY. Why me? Why now? Why my baby?
People started talking behind my back, saying those 3 horrible words that no one who's grieving wants to hear - GET OVER IT.
I couldn't, I wanted answers, I wanted my partner to understand how I felt or even try to make me feel better in some way. It felt like he didn't care. His excuse was "I'm a guy, I don't show my feelings." I was later told by some friends that if I hadn't lost the baby he would have abandoned me or got a house from the council because I was pregnant. Pff. He didn't care. People telling me that there probably wasn't a baby there, and straight away I told them no, there was.. But I couldn't tell them what I saw, the words didn't want to come out because tears took their place.
I tried to go to a councillor to get some support from someone who understood. They asked me to give the little being a name, write a letter and try to paint a picture or draw a picture of what I thought the little being would look like. Everything they asked me to do was torture with a capital T.
I gave it a name, I decided to call him Joshua. Then wrote a letter. I couldn't see the paper because my eyes were so full of tears!! And when I got round to painting a picture, it looked like the Chucky doll. Safe to say, I threw that painting out!!
I couldn't even talk to the councillor about what I saw. I could tell her my symptoms, that was it. I couldn't tell her what I saw because I only cried. Uncontrollably. 
After about six months I felt like I was going mad.. I was still in college at the time, my mind was  distracted for a little while until I got home. As soon as I got home I started to feel ill. My face and hands were tingly and there was always shooting pain in my right arm, pain in my chest and my vision and hearing were all distorted. I thought I was dying. All these symptoms accompanied by horrific nightmares all involving wading through blood and feeling pain. It wasn't nice. I thought I was dying and had no one to talk to at all. I gave up the counselling because I cried and couldn't talk about anything properly and was getting very frustrated with myself. Every night the nightmares would come and I would wake up feeling like I wasn't able to breath or feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. I remember thinking to myself. "If you're going to kill me, God, Just do it!"
I asked my partner about having another baby, not to replace the one we lost but to give me the chance to be the mother I didn't get to be. Just to give me the chance to get to full term and take on the responsibility and give a different little being the love I couldn't fully give to the first. He was unsure.. But then he started teasing me with the idea. One minute he would want a baby as much as I did then he wouldn't want one at all. This went on for a few months and I knew he was doing it on purpose.. To keep me unhappy.. So I decided to test him.. To find out for myself if he was messing with me, even though deep down I knew but was too naieve to think he would do that. So I phoned him up and said "You're right, we couldn't handle a baby right now."
The week after.. "LET'S HAVE A BABY!!" He said....
I snapped. Yelled at him to stop torturing me with the idea of a baby, either stick to his word, give me a baby and make me happy like you're supposed to do or keep going the way you are and keep me miserable. Your call. 
He gave in.
3 weeks of trying.
ONE PINK LINE..... TWO PINK LINES!! Yippeeeee!!!
I was as happy as a fat kid with cake. Him? He wanted to get out of my house as quick as possible. 
Things went downhill with the partner. He didn't want to grow up with me, he was more interested in his computer and friends. I broke up with him when I was 14 weeks gone because I hadn't seen or heard from him in weeks. I'd had enough of him sulking when I did speak to him or when he did eventually answer. He made excuses not to come and see me and take care of me like he was supposed to. Didn't hear from him until after my daughter was born. She's one and a half now!
I still think about Joshua, 3 years on and I have never forgotten but since I had Eva a lot of my questions have been answered and I know I'm not the only woman who has ever suffered this. I can think about him now and not be sad because little souls like his go straight to heaven, no sins, no bad things and they're being looked after by the souls we lost and love. I understand now and I know that sometimes - Even if it's not what you want to hear - sometimes it's not meant to be and sometimes tragedies happen for no good reason, sometimes it's just bad timing. I think the big guy in the clouds needed Joshua more than I did. Even though it sucks, even though you might never know what caused the horrible event to happen, it will get better and it will make you stronger and it won't kill you. You might be sad and you might be asking yourself all the questions under the sun but all your questions will be answered as time goes on, but the one thing you have to remember, no matter how hard it is IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT and you're not alone, ever. The little soul loves you with all its heart and you'll meet again one day, but not before your ready!!

Friday, 7 February 2014

3 days!

Beware of this, walking dead lovers, the effects can be devastating (hehe)
3 days to go... 3 days.... 3 days....  YIPPEE!!!

Monday, 3 February 2014

About me and stuff

I've been doing the blogging thing for a little while now, I'm enjoying it :D Even if no one ever reads it I think it's all worth having something to have a good old moan and groan on like Facebook and stuff.. 
I like Facebook but I think REAL life friends are better, the ones you can hug and you know they're happy when they give you a real smiley face and not a wee pixelated one. I like having real friends, I do have them but hardly ever see them but really don't give them enough recognition for what they've done for me. I'm the kind of person who will be there for a friend no matter what time of day weather it's the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. If they need me for anything I'm a phone call away and I'll help in any way I can..
It's not in my nature to be a bitch although like every one else I have my moments, I'm not horrible to people for no reason even if I don't like them.. And if I don't like them and also don't talk to them it's for a good reason! I'm that kind of friend who won't bullshit anyone but tell them the truth in the nicest possible way, if I think they're being an arse I'll tell em lol.. Sometimes people need that friend who will verbally bitch slap them into reality without being a major dick about it. I have that friend and in some cases I am that friend :) 
I really am thankful for the good friends I have, they've been there for me through thick and thin and I've done the same for them :) 
I guess I'm the kind of person who will help someone who asks for it but be the one to notice when something's not right. Like when a friend isn't happy I'll be the one to ask and let them talk and do my best to fix the problem or even just make them a cup of tea if it will make them feel better. I would send a message to someone I don't know very well who I know isn't feeling well or something and give them a message letting them know I hope they're okay hoping I might brighten their day even just a little bit :)
And a hug or two never goes amiss these days!
I love hugs :) Even the half arsed one armed hugs are still awesome!! The best thing about hugs is they're free, no calories or fat or bad for you stuff, just beautiful squishy love :) Love is the best!!! Even though people don't always show it we all know it's there :)
My sister and I fight like cat and dog but we still love eachother (I think).. But the best love I've experienced in my lifetime is the love from my daughter. I don't even think words could describe how this feels.. From the second I knew I was pregnant I wanted to meet her, loved her from the second that second pink line appeared! 
Then as I got bigger I wanted to know more I wanted her to be in my arms so I could look at her little being and tell her to her sweet little face that I loved her more than the universe its self!!!! What I liked about pregnancy was that I grew with her in a physical and spiritual sense too ( I think ).. I remember being in the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life and then the nurses plonked this little purple creature on me.. I couldn't believe I was seeing my baby girl for the first time and her eyes met mine and that was it, I fell in love, real love for the first time in my life I felt pure love and the rest of the world disappeared and it was just me and Eva in our own little bubble with the rest of the world buzzing around outside it... I CRIED SO MUCH WHEN SHE WAS BORN!!!!
Happy tears :)
When she was born it was the first time I didn't care about what other people thought, me and my daughter were a team!! We still are :) team squishy :)

Awwwwwhhhh I love everything :)
I love her, I love my friends, I love my family aaaaand I love you :) <3

Norman Redus

I can't help myself... Like I said thanks to my beloved sister :) I'm going rather nuts for this guy, not in the "grr I'm a stalker" kinda way but in the day dreaming "I LOVE YOU" kinda way.....

How can you not go bonkers? With THOSE eyes!!?? All it would take would be for him to look at me in that ^^^^^^ sort of way and that would be it, my ovaries would be a pile of fire and debris in my abdomen... Graphic, I know but FFS!!! 


I'm in love... I'd love to just ever so softly brush my hand over his face... And hold eye contact for as long as possible without falling into that state of drooling frickin idiot!!!! That's more than likely what would happen if by some kind of frickin miracle I got to meet him... I'd either cry or be foaming at the mouth and humping his ffrickin' leg and looking like a right wee freak!! 

I'm sure he's seen it all...

Meehhhh.... A girl can dream :) at the risk of her reproductive organs blowing up.. (Not good for relationships I might add)

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Okay. I. Dare. You.... To watch this and not drool, hyperventilate or feel a lump in your throat or a twinge in your ovaries.... I DARE YOU!!!!

I need a cigarette now haha <3

Fan letter to Norman Reedus ( may contain cringey girly wimpyness :) )

This is my fan letter to Norman Reedus..
Thanks to my beloved sister, I am in LOVE with this guy... Cheers sis :P
It's on Twitter.. It's on Facebook.. In the hope that he'll see it *dreamy eyes*
He's lovely :)

That's my twitter ^^^^ 
I'm kind of a loner haha