Monday, 6 January 2014


Everyone has Facebook these days, it's crazy how the world revolves around Facebook. Diary's were supposed to be for documenting your every thought but diary's ain't cool now eh? Facebook's cool, sharing your private life is cool. Being open about what you  had for breakfast is awesome!!!
I have Facebook :) but I didn't have breakfast :(
I like Facebook, like everything it has its good points and it has its bad points but these days it seems to be more bad than good. Like, God knows how many people have killed/harmed themselves because of something that was said over facebook, it's evil, I think. And these websites where you can tell someone what you think of them anonymously is actually quite sickening from my point of view, I'll admit I've been on some of them, not said anything horrible to anyone but waited to see what would happen if I let people post anonymously and I got people declaring their undying love for me and I got people twisting personal things I had told them in confidence. That account got deleted. I then knew someone in my friends list had an axe to grind with me. Didn't care too much because it was anonymous and it was 1 comment. Then there's people who get hundreds of nasty comments and enjoy it... That makes me think attention seeker... Then how can you tell the difference between people who really are being bullied and people who are attention seeking little shits?

Can't tell these days, eh?

I don't have a very big friends list, but even then you see some characters, some you love, some you hate but have on your list because they're entertaining. You've got the moaners who do nothing but complain, the ragers who do nothing but swear and say they're gonna burst this/that person, the big headed very opinionated people who talk about themselves and how they're better than this or that person, the average Joe's, the famous like-whore Facebookers who post something like "Chuck Norris" and get a billion likes on every photo and the people who are so happy it's annoying and you want to slap them.

Facebook has it's good things too though, like fan pages and pages that post pretty pictures of the world and pretty pictures of people and the ones that share quotes and facts and some that give advice to mums, support groups for single/young mothers and people who have suffered miscarriages and all sorts of good groups for people that can share the same experiences and stuff like buying and selling groups. It's great for things like that :) and facebook games are fun too. For a certain amount of time before you get a butt ton of games requests and stop playing because people are nagging you for requests...

I'd say my facebook was the average Joe, nothing exciting :P I have my moments, though xD

Well, I'm offski's again, I've said all I want to say lol... Cheery bye ^_^

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